2 Berichten voor vandaag (onvertaald) en voor elke Crystal Day (dag met Toon 12)

From: Galactic Research Institute
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 5:56 AM
Subject: Re: 1st Aniversarry Meditation on Crystal day

Dear Crystal Human,
Crystal Day is most important day for all planetary kin world wide. On this day we can come together in mutual support and cooperation. We can also sit in natural mind meditation and make telepathic connection all over the planet, sending our loving thoughts of world peace in great radiating patterns across time and space. The noosphere is up to us. Every crystal day we can bring the noosphere a little closer to reality. Let us all join in!

Jose Arguelles-Valum Votan


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Jan 8, 2007 2:51 AM
To: 'Galactic Research Institute'
Subject: 1st Aniversarry Meditation on Crystal day

Dear Jose Valum Votan and Stephanie Red Queen, 
I am going to call for meditation on Crystal day like below to have this new tradition take root,
being aware that the planet earth has finished a great voyage around the sun again.
Please send the message from Jose, too.
Universal love and in lak'ech!
(translated by Michiko Yamazaki)


Dear kin on the planet
Meditation on Crystal day!!
It has been a year since Crystal Day Meditation started.
As work of Planet Art Network too get back the solar consciousness,
please do practice the first meditation in 2007 on January 9th, the last day of Rhythmic Moon.
We will be meditation almost all day on Crystal day.
In Japan many people who agree with this practice the world simultaneous meditation on Crystal day.
On the next day, January 10th, Resonant Moon 1st,
we will have “12 o’clock Meeting on Cosmic Day” at the shop, “Noosphere” in Tokyo from 12:00 - 14:00.
It is about 20:00 of Crystal day on the west coast of US.
The Crystal Day Meditation and the meetings afterwards will be important for the activities
to arouse resonance in Japan and on the earth from Resonant Moon 1st, in Resonant Moon,
from planet consciousness or cosmic consciousness for 2012.
It is just a year ago.
It was when the planet earth was at the same place.
The 1st day of Resonance Moon.  January 10th.  Yellow Crystal Human Day.
It was the first time the spontaneous meditation of Crystal Day.
  Universal love and in lak'ech!
>> Klik hier voor de "Worldwide Crystal Day Meditation"