Greetings Tribe of Light!
As of July 26, 2008, we have entered the Year of The Blue Electric Storm. The focus of this year is on Activating our Service and Bonding our Energies to Catalyze Self-Generation...This is a cycle to Awaken our Inner Thunderbeings!
We feel greatly blessed to know there are people all around the globe - in over 90 countries - who are conscious of this New Year cycle and who every day are tuning in to the rhythms, harmonies and patterns of the 13-Moon Dreamspell Calendar. Together, we are a strong, coherent telepathic force of Love and Awareness. As an international community of Natural Time Earth Wizards, we serve as a vehicle for the Evolution of Planetary Peace and the Awakening of Galactic Culture.
These times on the planet are unspeakably intense - the contrast of simultaneous catastrophes and miracles permeate our collective field every moment. It feels the amplification and acceleration of the transformations that are happening on the planetary and cosmic levels are affecting all levels of our inner and outer worlds, as we are the mediums of this transformation itself. We know in our heart of hearts that this epic time of biospheric crisis and spiritual challenge is a gift from the Divine Architect, and this knowing is the medicine our souls have to guide our Journey during this time of Living Prophecy.
The cosmic forces are conspiring to support our growth and unfolding into our highest potential as awakened beings co-creating an awakened society that lives in harmony with each other, with Nature and with Universal laws - conscious of the One Wholeness that is Life.
This process of growth is also one of the Divine shining light on that which obscures and obstructs our path: our egoic separations, our fears, attachments, greed, ignorance, imbalances, limited perceptions, false identities, rigidities, addictions to suffering, etc - revealing to us the very dis-serving patterns and energies that we need to transform and shed that we may truly receive the healing energies that are flowing abundantly to our hearts during this time of Great Transition and Great Unknown - The Shift of The Ages.
During this Blue Electric Storm year, may we all find strength in the Loving Spirit of Mother Earth Pachamama and in the Celestial forces and Spiritual Guides and Allies of the Higher Dimensions that our hearts may feel safe to grow and unfold and evolve our humanity, moving into greater and greater levels of empowerment, self-love, beauty, humility, and service. During this Electric Year of Service may we all realize that there are infinite ways to serve, and that each one of us is encoded with unique gifts within our beingness that are ours to activate on behalf of the Sacred Whole of Life. May each one of us be spiritually and physically supported to fulfill our unique missions here on Earth!
"If you trust, only then can you drop your knowledge,
only then can you put your mind aside.
And with trust, something immense opens up.
Then this life is no longer ordinary life,
it becomes overflowing.
When the heart is innocent and the walls have disappeared,
you are bridged with infinity.
And you are not deceived;
there is nothing that can be taken away from you.
That which can be taken away from you is not worth keeping,
You cannot lose your real treasure.
Trust Life."
In the fresh energy of the New Year, we find ourselves moved to reach out to our Natural Time Community and seek feedback in regards to The Natural Time Updates we send out through our website. For the last 3 years, we have been pulsing out Natural Time Updates every 28 days which highlight the current energies we are travelling thru based on the 13 Moon Year cycle and the 13-day Wavespell cycles.
Our question to YOU is - have these Natural Time Updates been of service to your connection to Natural Time - and if so, to what extent? We are asking each of you to please take a moment to reply to this email and let us know, on a scale of 1 - 13 (13 being the highest) how effective have these updates been in supporting your journey of Natural Time? WHEN YOU REPLY, PLEASE SIMPLY TYPE THE NUMBER 1-13 IN THE SUBJECT LINE.
Please note:
Based on the thousands of people who are subscribed to our emailer, it will not be possible to open up and read personal emails - so we are hoping this idea of replying in the subject will be an easy way to give and receive genuine feedback. Thank you!
(Mails voor Skytime kunnen naar en voor PAN-Holland naar )
View photos from The Day out of Time, Peace Thru Culture Celebration:
Magnetic 22/Aug 16, Yellow Spectral Sun
is the 21st anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence of 1987.
This auspicious day also brings us a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse!
See you in the magic!
In Lak'ech - I am Another Yourself,
Eden, Robert, and Asher Sky of SkyTime