A GAP, an abbreviation for "Galactic Activation Portal" is one of the 52 dark units that weaves through the Tzolkin in the form of a DNA strand.

Within the 260 energies of the Harmonic Module, these 52 kin are called "portals" because they form the "Loom" on which the entire matrix is woven.

About what it means... what you can be sure of are increased energies, access to hightened awareness and sensory experience, greater opportunity for information exchange and multi-dimensional insights. The energies of Portal kin can offer clear insights and revelations as well as accelerated clarity and INTENSITY!

The default dictionary definition of PORTAL is: "An entrance or a door or gate, especially one that is big and impressive.

"We can invite the power of these portals to activate dormant potential and evolutionary transformation.

On such days, the veils between the dimensions are somewhat thinner and the events of different realities are more interlinked or intertwined. They experience a very thin dividing line between 'dream' and 'reality'. On such days it's easier to plug into both the higher cosmic energy and deep earthly information in a inherent natural way.

These are specific interdimensional days and those born on such a day can play an important role in society, universalizing some kind of education, art form or music; e.g. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star of the Beatles, Mozart, and Einstein are all born on GAP days.

Background: Orbs or energy spheres during a diksha-gathering


Last update: White Magnetic Wizard Year, 6.26 Rhythmic Moon Alpha 26, Kin 179 (7 Jan. 2020)